
Robonauts NFTs description.

Robonauts serve as our primary extraction force, as they are deployed to extract $Nitranium from the collected materials on the surface of the Moon. Their role is crucial in the extraction process, as they utilize their capabilities to extract and gather $Nitranium from the available resources.

Once you have minted the Robonauts for your Colony, you will notice significant variations in their attributes and rarity. It is essential to identify and acquire the highest rarity Robonauts to maximize your profits. These rare Robonauts possess unique characteristics and qualities that can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your extraction operations.

By obtaining the greatest Robonauts, you can boost your profitability and potentially gain a competitive advantage in the extraction process. Be sure to carefully evaluate and strategize your choices to optimize your results!

Robonauts have the ability to be destroyed or "burned," and this action will result in the player receiving 20% of the original mint cost back, which will be paid in $Nitranium. By choosing to burn Robonauts, players can recoup a portion of their initial investment in the form of $Nitranium.

Wear and Tear System

During the extraction process in the challenging and inhospitable conditions of the lunar surface, it is not uncommon for Robonauts to experience malfunctions. Unfortunately, these malfunctions can result in the destruction of the affected Robonauts. The extreme environment and demanding nature of the extraction operations can put significant strain on the equipment, leading to occasional failures.

It is important to be prepared for such instances and have contingency plans in place to mitigate the impact of these malfunctions. Regular maintenance, monitoring, and timely replacements can help minimize the losses caused by the destruction of malfunctioning Robonauts.

The drop chance for Robonauts is as follows:


44 %



10 %


34 %



7 %


14 %



4 %


6 %



2 %


2 %



1 %

Last updated